Learning to Change


The MBA at LUISS Business School has been the main source of change in my life, a starting point from which I entered in a new circuit, where the ability to change became more and more significant.
Nowadays, change is the only steady feature, and this is one of the aspects I explore in my article, written with the Executive Coach Barbara Chirizzi which soon will be published in the book “Teaching Today” (Franco Angeli Editore).
Our identity – and our understanding of success – does not depend on a specific job, role, company or business anymore. We cannot just count on a static set of knowledge and skills. The ever-changing market forces everyone to change accordingly and to exploit our competences every day.
The uncertainty trains people to develop a personal flair for change. Individuals must acquire characteristics and attitudes typical of different professional profiles, they must identify different models from which to draw inspiration, with an aim to constantly empower and reinvent themselves. This kind of personal evolution should take place in short time for a person to continue to be relevant in the labour market.
When did we last face a challenge? When was the last time that we did something for the first time? If we do not meet new challenges, maybe we are not evolving at all!
What if circumstances changed dramatically? What would we do? How could we reorganise our personal and professional life?
A “life-surfing” approach might help: deal with life events by surfing on the waves of change! When we are riding high, there’s time to look for the next wave, there’s time to change before the next change occurs.
Changing a job while employed is an opportunity. It gives us the liberty to choose and won’t constrain us, as often happens in case of unemployment.
A conscious, managed change in a career produces positive effects: it enhances our competitive advantages in the market, brings about innovation and personal well-being, since it allows us to be in control of our own path. Change can give the chance to evolve, accomplishing projects by using our best talents and shaping the world we deserve.
That is why we should be active and give a desired direction to change!

Marco Latini, MBA 2008
Head of Accounting CCSE